What’s this all about?

As my Introduction post says, my name is Jason Aycock and I am an off road enthusiast. I have been hitting the trails for several years now and have owned a few different trail rigs throughout that time, but all of those were dedicated trail rigs. I wanted to try to build a vehicle that was just as comfortable to drive on the road as it was capable to drive off the road, and vice versa.

This blog will chronicle the life and times 0f me and my Jeep Wrangler TJ. I will attempt to build a tough trail machine that I can toss a couple kids in the back of and go anywhere I want, on and off the road, and then come back here and share my experiences with you. There will be a few different types of posts you will see here. Some will be about specific upgrades or repairs and may contain “how to” type information or just thoughts about what these upgrades should accomplish and why I chose them. Some will be about test runs on these upgrades both on and off the road. Of course there will be posts about trail rides, some complete with photos, and some complete with mechanical carnage. Sometimes I may just post my thoughts about what I want to do going forward, sometimes I may post my thoughts about wanting to just set a match and gasoline to the whole thing and be done with it. And what blog would be complete without some posts asking for input from YOU the reader.

I hope you enjoy what you read here and maybe even learn something useful for use on your own rig. If nothing else, you should be able to get a few laughs at my expense here and there and if that’s the only thing you get from this blog, then I have done my job. Thanks for checking it out and always remember my motto for everything I do in life:

If you’re gonna go, go over the top.

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