We really gotta clear some of these old trails back some…

So I tied up all the loose ends from the body lift, extended the gear shifter and installed the transfer case shifter linkage bracket, and it was time to hit the trail. Been trying to get all that done for 2 weeks and was finally ready Sunday.

David Trimble and I decided to take the trail from Newfound Rd over to Shady Grove that follows the creek. Wow is all I can say. The Mimosa trees and Privet hedges were unbearable. We ended up having to turn around after about the 3rd creek crossing and come back out. We decided that we are going to go back when it cools down and clear that trail back out. It is just too relaxing of a trail to let grow up like that.

When we came back out, we turned right and took the first trail on the left, which is the trail that comes in at the end of Long Bottom and goes up to Dupont Lake then around Opossum Pass and back over to the Trussel. However, not far in, there was a large rut that I am confident I wouldnt have had any real problems with had I been alone, but the kids were in the back seat of the Jeep so I decided it would be best to come back without them and make sure it was doable without scaring the beejesus out of them.

It was a short trip but it got the job done. Tested out all the new goodies, slung some mud, crawled some rocks, flexed a rut or 2, and most importantly, had fun. I was surprised at how well it acted in some spots I put it in. I took a rock or 2 and some ruts “the hard way” and she reacted much better than I expected. I can see that I am gonna have to gear her soon. Even in 4-low she didnt like those 33’s very much.

Sorry for the lack of pics but we spent the entire time dodging tree branches and briars. I promise to get some pics of the next ride. The next thing I think I am gonna work on is maybe the axles. I was really disappointed with the way she acted with those 33’s in low gear. Gotta find a rubicon 44 rear end and a high pinion cherokee 30 front. So if anyone has one or knows where one is, make sure to shoot me a message.

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